Top 6 Root Canal Treatment Myths Every Patient Should Know

Dental treatments have always been a cause of fear in everybody, from kids to adults. A lot of patients avoid dental check-ups and postpone their treatments just because they are misinformed about the dental procedures in general. Root canal, even after being a fairly common dental procedure, is famous for the wrong reasons. It is an endodontic treatment usually advised to patients with deep painful decayed tooth that has inflamed or infected pulp. Although decay is the commonly known reason, there are other indications too for root canal treatment such as trauma, extreme sensitivity etc.  A number of myths are associated with just this single dental treatment.

The following are some common myths about root canal treatment.

1.Root canal treatment is painful.

The treatment is done under local anaesthesia. Also, root canal treatment involves removal of infected pulp which is the root cause of pain. Therefore, in today’s world with technological advancement, root canals are done with rotary instruments rather than hand held instruments. Microscopic endodontic practice has also helped in a great way in the past decade. These advantages help in keeping the patient at ease and in a very comfortable position as the treatment becomes painless.

2.Root canal is necessary only if you are experiencing tooth pain.

Any traumatized tooth would eventually become non-vital and discolour. Such tooth might have caused pain at the time of trauma, but when left unattended for a long time do not cause pain. However, it needs to be treated to avoid infection.  A set of vitality tests are conducted to test the condition of the teeth. Non-vital teeth are also indicated for root canal treatment. So, pain alone is not the deciding factor to be considered for root canal treatment.

3.Root canal therapy provides temporary relief.

Root canal treatment is permanent. It is aimed to preserve the affected tooth. A well-fit crown plays an important role in providing long-lasting results. Good oral hygiene after crown fixation and regular dental check-ups also help in maintaining the root canal treated tooth for a long time.

4.Root canal kills the tooth, tooth extraction is a good alternative to root canals.

Root canal treatment, in fact allows the infected tooth to function just as any other normal tooth. Although the pulp is removed, the tooth is essentially saved and with the help of crown it can be used to chew.  Extraction, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure. The vacant space left after extraction requires prostheses, such as bridge or implant. Bridge involves trimming the neighbouring teeth and implant is a surgical procedure. They not only increase the dental visits but are also expensive.

Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is always the best option. Nothing artificial can replace the look or function of a natural tooth so it’s important to always consider root canal treatment as an option. Endodontic treatment has a high success rate and many root canal-treated teeth last a lifetime. Replacing an extracted tooth with a bridge or implant requires more time in treatment and may result in further procedures to neighboring teeth and supporting tissue.

5.Root canal procedure is not very successful.

As per American Association of Endodontist, 95% of the root canal procedures are successful. All that is required for a root canal treated tooth to last for lifetime is healthy oral cavity.

6.Root canal treatment causes illness.

This is one of the widely prevalent myth related to root canal. But, there are no scientific evidences validating this myth. Root canal treatment removes the infection and does not cause new ones. Also, during the treatment, patient is usually put under antibiotics and pain killers, which further reduces the occurrence of any kind of illness in general.

Now that you know the truth about root canals, we hope you feel confident in making an informed decision while consulting your dentist about the best option for your oral health. For affordable root canal treatment costs in Bangalore and to schedule an appointment with our team of specialists, call 9008647868/080-42229797 or visit

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